Friday, August 29, 2008


Originally uploaded by manueb
What life is all about.

Not very happy trying our new inflatable pool

I got this pool on sale at Target, very happy with the end of summer sales.. thinking that Gabe would love it. Pff. He cried so much! I think it was also all the mosquitoes, and maybe the water was too cold. Who knows, he just loves being in the water so much. He's got time to grow it out anyway :)

Now that's walking for real right there :)

Gabe is walking - Part 2
Originally uploaded by manueb

Monday, August 25, 2008

More and more steps

More and more steps
Originally uploaded by manueb
On Saturday, Aug. 23rd (important to keep the date in mind :)), Gabe took 13 steps in a row. We had noticed a change in his "walking" the last few days, he seems more comfortable. Since Saturday he's let go of furniture many times a day, taking a good 5 steps every time. We're proud :)

Primed walls

Primed walls
Originally uploaded by manueb
We've primed the bedroom with friends this last Saturday. We were going to paint more on Sunday but some of us had too much to drink and were not exactly up for duty... :P
This is going to take us forever!!! Argh

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Gabe is discovering the painting I made for his bedroom

He absolutely loves it, it makes me so happy. I have so very little time to do anything right now besides caulking, spackling, cleaning the house... all this house work is driving me crazy, I have zero time to myself. But, it's always when I think I don't have any that I manage to stretch it and make things, I need that to relax!!! anyway, my baby has a new pretty colorful painting over his bed and he loves it :)

Happy birthday my hubby! bis

Happy birthday!
Originally uploaded by manueb
For his birthday dinner, I cooked mini cherry tomatoes clafoutis, then duckbreasts in a honey- szechuan pepper sauce with pineapple, and as requested, a peach pie for dessert. It was not easy fitting the 31 candles on there, but I managed :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Gabe is giving his daddy his birthday presents!

It's Shad's birthday today!! 31, still younger than me... damn :P

Monday, August 11, 2008

Green siding almost done!!

Wow, the exterior siding is almost finished! I feel like it's taking for ever, but try to paint in the sun by 105... It's kind of tricky! Once they guys will have put in the final window, we can paint the trims and be done with the exterior work, and attack the inside...

Dinner with the gang :)

Dinner with the gang :)
Originally uploaded by manueb
Carol and Kurt, and Lucas, are back from their holidays in Brasil.. and the drinking gang is back together :P Let's t waste any time, let's just start drinking and eating straight away :P

Posted for Flickr 888

Gabe's first fortune cookie
Originally uploaded by manueb
Gabe's first fortune cookie