Wednesday, September 26, 2007

How said three's a crowd??

Gabe - sept 21-22
Originally uploaded by manueb
When I can't even remember what life was before Gabriel ? :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Gabe - sept 11th

Gabe - sept 11th
Originally uploaded by manueb
We were super proud yesterday to see that Gabe was losing his umbilical cord, to leave room for the cutest belly button (I'm still not very un-biased... it's true :))
We had a bottle of champagne in the fridge for a week, since we came back home from the hospital, and it was the perfect night to have it..
Funny to see that we're amazed by Gabe just making big poops and stuff...

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Gabe is home

Gabe's home - Sept 5th-6th
Originally uploaded by manueb
We brought Gabe home barely 40 hours after delivery... a bit of a challenge, but we did it, and are now (almost) on a routine pattern with the feeding and diaper change, although what happens during feeding time is quite unpredictable: how many diaper changes, how long before he'll go back to sleep, etc... We certainly aren't getting enough sleep and spend most of the time he sleeps resting!
He's just the cutest, most charming little boy ever. And I don't just say that because he's our little boy :P

Gabriel's birth

Gabriel's birth
Originally uploaded by manueb
Our little angel is born one week ahead on Sept. 2nd! Welcome in our lives sweet little Gabriel!
What a weekend we spent! I started having contractions saturday 1st at almost midnight, I tried to sleep it off but that didn't work at all!!! Sunday morning at 6am I told Shad that we need to go to the hospital.. We arrived there at 7:30am. And they admitted us after monitoring me and Gabe for 3 hours, to make sure labor was well on its way.
Soon after that our friend/doula Steph joined us, around noon, to help us through the entire labor and delivery, I don't know what we would have done without her support!
I was induced with pitocin around 5pm, and the contractions became unbarable... then came the epidural, very painful, and it only worked on my left side... But whatever, I managed to feel my contractions and manage them to push him out at 10:55pm.. Pure bliss :)